July 25, 2016

Meeting Summary: Middle Ocmulgee Council June 23, 2016


To: Middle Ocmulgee Regional Water Planning Council

From: Ted Hendrickx, Georgia Environmental Protection Division

Michelle Vincent and Jennifer Stewart, Jacobs

Date: July 25, 2016

Subject: Council Meeting 2 Summary

Middle Ocmulgee Regional Water Planning Council

Regional Water Plan Review and Revision Process    

This memorandum provides the meeting summary of the Middle Ocmulgee Regional Water Planning Council Meeting 2, held in the afternoon of June 23, 2016 at the Oconee Fall Line Technical College in Dublin, Georgia.  A Joint Council Meeting was held for the six eastern Regional Water Planning councils (Altamaha, Coastal Georgia, Middle Ocmulgee, Suwannee-Satilla, Savannah- Upper Ogeechee and Upper Oconee) from 10 AM to 3 PM.  The Middle Ocmulgee RWP Council held a brief individual council meeting subsequent to the Joint Council Meeting.   This memorandum provides a summary of the items discussed at the individual Altamaha RWP Council meeting that was held from approximately 3:05 PM to 3:35 PM.

1) Welcome and Introductions/Approve Agenda

Council Vice-Chair Ben Copeland acknowledged the planning contractor (PC), Michelle Vincent, who called the meeting to order and thanked members and guests for attending.

The Council Members (CMs) and guests introduced themselves (see the end of this meeting summary for a list of attendees).

General consensus was achieved on approving the minutes from last Council meeting, as well as the agenda for this meeting.

2) Operating Procedures Update

The updated Operating Procedures include proposed revisions to allow Councils to achieve a quorum for necessary decision-making. The operating procedure changes were distributed via email for Council Members to vote on. To date, the PC has received 12 Yes and 0 No votes on changes to the Operating Procedures. No additional votes were recorded at the meeting, as all CMs present had already voted). The PC will continue to solicit votes via phone and email until we receive the needed votes (14) to formally adopt the revisions to the Operating Procedures.

3) Follow Up from June 16, 2016 Conference Call

The MO Council had an “Office Hours” Conference call on June 16, 2016, as follow up from CM1. The conference call had 6 Council Members participate. Planning contractors and EPD were available to answer questions on the following topics: updated population projections, municipal per capita and updated water use and wastewater forecasts, industrial water/wastewater forecasts, and updated energy sector water demand forecasts. EPD and the Planning contractors are currently following up on several questions that were brought up during the conference call:

  • Council members requested more information on how industrial forecasts were developed in Round 1. 
    • Action:  The planning contractors will send out the Round 1 Industrial Technical Memo.
  • Council Member Question: Why is Lamar County’s gpcd so much higher than Butts county?
    • Action: Likely primarily due to the differences in amount of self-serve supply vs. municipal supply, but PC will look into this.
  • Council Member Question: Kaolin industry has seen large growth over past 5 years – How can we incorporate it into forecasts
    • Action: Industry forecasts for kaolin industry came directly from the industry in the first round of planning. They are not being updated for this round, but PC will look into how this growth may already be reflected in the industrial forecasts.

4) Section 319 (h) Georgia's Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant

Ted Hendrickx with Georgia EPD presented this agenda item.

The Middle Georgia RC is working on a scope of services for the Middle Ocmulgee’s 319(h) grant project to develop a new Watershed Management Plan to meet USEPA’s 9 key elements. The plan will address nonpoint sources of pollution in a priority watershed in the Middle Ocmulgee region. The project will hopefully be contracted in July/August, and will start soon thereafter. The overall timeframe for the project is approximately 2 years. Ted will send out a brief summary of the project and the priority watershed when the scope is finalized.

5) New Business

No new business.

6) Public Comment/Local Official Comment

No further public comments were made during the allotted time.

7) Wrap Up/Council Meeting 3 Preview

The next joint meeting, for the other side of the state, will take place in August 2016 in Pine Mountain, GA.

Council Meeting 3 will be scheduled for some time in September 2016, and the CMs will be informed once a date has been selected.

8) Meeting Attendance

Middle Ocmulgee Regional Water Planning Council Members in attendance:

  • Ben Copeland, Jr. (Vice Chair)
  • John Bembry
  • Don Cook
  • Keith Ellis
  • Lawrence E. McSwain
  • Mark Wyzalek (proxy for Tony Rojas)
  • Ron Shipman (proxy for Thomas Wicker)

Georgia EPD Representatives in attendance:

  • Ted Hendrickx

Reginal Water Council Planning Contractors in attendance:

  • Michelle Vincent

Public attendees:

  • Brandon Baker (representing GA DNR Wildlife Resources)
  • Jonathon Connell (representing Middle Georgia Regional Commission)
  • Adrian Wood (representing DCA)

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