Regional Water Planning

The Download this pdf file. State Water Plan  ushered in a completely new era of comprehensive regional water planning for Georgia. Isolated regional water planning efforts aimed at addressing localized water challenges had been attempted in several regions in Georgia since the early 1970s, but not until the 2008 directive from the Governor and Legislature had Georgia embarked upon statewide comprehensive regional water planning.   Through the development of regional water plans, the regional water councils determine preferred water management practices to meet each region's future water resources needs. 

Flow chart: EPD provides Forecast and Assessment to council-led Gap Analysis. If the EPD and the council determine gaps are filled and goals are met, the council recommends a Regional Water Plan. If not, the council adapts Management Practices to adjust Demand and Resource Capacity, and the process starts over.
The figure above illustrates the council-led products, information provided by EPD and joint EPD and council evaluation that are part of regional water planning.

All Regional Water Plans