4.4.1 Coosa-North Georgia, Metro Water District

The Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District was created in 2001 to serve as the water planning entity for the greater Atlanta metropolitan area. The Metro District covers 15 counties and 91 cities. Employment in this region is dominated by trade, transportation and utilities, professional and business services, and government. Major water resources include the Chattahoochee and Coosa rivers, some of their tributaries, and lakes Allatoona and Lanier.
The categories and practices shown here were selected to illustrate the water management approaches taken in each region, but they do not reflect all of the practices in either plan. The regional water plans themselves should be consulted for detailed descriptions of the full suite of management practices.
Coosa-North Georgia
In 2005, 92% of the water used in this region came from surface water and 8% from groundwater. The 2010 forecast showed water use in the following sectors: 78% for energy, 15% for municipal users, 5% for industry, and 2% for agriculture.
The Coosa-North Georgia plan presents 42 management practices to address issues related to population growth and land use changes. The plan also focuses on the importance of conservation and water supply.
Water Conservation
Focus on residential, agricultural, and governmental sectors. Provide public education and implement water conservation practices now required by state law.
Water Supply
Develop water master plans first, then expand existing and construct new reservoirs as needed. Encourage new groundwater wells, reuse, and better management of water treatment systems.
Wastewater and Water Quality
Wastewater practices focus on local master plans, public education, septic system management and sewer system maintenance and operation. Water quality practices target nutrient management, erosion and sediment control, stormwater from urban and forestry land, stream buffers and floodplain management, water quality credit trading and addressing waters that don’t meet standards.
Information Needs
Refine resource models and improve assumptions about land application systems; study water quality effects of septic systems; obtain better information on agriculture water use, including future demand for golf courses and animal operations.
Recommendations to State
Identify long term funding and implementation mechanisms to support regional planning. Develop guidelines for water quality credit trading, interbasin transfers, and aquifer storage and recovery. Explore the Tennessee River as a water source and support regional reservoir projects.

Photo credit: Georgia Department of Economic Development
Photo caption: Allatoona Dam, Coosa Basin
Metro Water District
In 2006, 99% of the water used in the District came from surface water and 1% from groundwater. The 2010 forecast showed water use by the following sectors: 39% for energy, 54% for municipal users, 2% for industry, and 3% for agriculture.
The legislation that created the District requires three plans for the metro Atlanta area: a water supply and conservation plan, a wastewater management plan, and a watershed management plan. Since adoption of the State Water Plan, the District works within the statewide framework of regional
planning, completing current plans in 2009. The District plans present a wide array of management practices, and local governments and some other entities in the District are subject to audits to ensure compliance before water permits, state grants, or state loans are given.
Water Conservation
Practices are very aggressive, including conservation pricing, plumbing retrofits, rain sensors, sub-metering, assessing and reducing leakage, residential and commercial water audits, car wash water recycling, and public education.
Water Supply
Implement planned facilities, including expansion of existing treatment plants as well as construction of new reservoirs and treatment plants. Reuse, local water planning, and education are also included.
Wastewater and Water Quality
Construct, expand, upgrade or retire specific wastewater facilities; inspect, maintain and rehabilitate wastewater systems; enhance septic system management and education. Water quality practices address watershed planning; alternative ways to develop land; maintenance of sewer pipes, ponds and other structures; pollution prevention; and education.
Information Needs
Research restricting sale of certain fertilizers; update the Georgia Stormwater Management Manual; evaluate and compile watershed monitoring data; and assess viability of a web-based electronic data management center.
Recommendations to State
Streamline water permitting and reporting; consider incentives and financial support; coordinate land use planning and water planning; ensure water supply buffers are adopted and enforced; track septic system installation and revise maintenance requirements; enhance septic limitations in critical areas and enforcement of laws for septic systems; meet stormwater criteria for road designs and implement transportation capital improvements to address runoff.