December 23, 2020
Updated Industrial Sector Water Forecast
On behalf of Georgia’s Regional Water Planning Councils, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) engaged contractors to prepare updates to the water demand forecasts that support the Regional Water Planning process. The Councils will finalize updates to their Regional Water Plans in 2022, and the forecasts provide a technical foundation for those updates. The forecasts that will support the next Regional Water Plan updates will extend through 2060.
The updated water demand forecast for the industrial sector has been finalized based on input from a stakeholder group comprised of representatives from a wide cross-section of industries in Georgia, including trade groups, as well as the Georgia Economic Development Authority and the Governor’s Office of Planning & Budget. It will inform the next Regional Water Plan updates, and is available on the Georgia Water Planning website at:
If you have any questions about this notice, please contact Jennifer Welte of Georgia EPD at [email protected] or (404) 463-1694.