May 01, 2019
Meeting Summary: Coosa-North Georgia Council May 1, 2019
Coosa-North Georgia (CNG) Water Planning Council
Meeting Summary: Coosa-North Georgia Water Planning Council Meeting
May 1, 2019
Welcome and Introductions/Approve Agenda
Brian Skeens – Welcomed attendees to meeting and introduced EPD Director Richard Dunn.
- Richard Dunn spoke about the importance of regional water planning. He thanked council members and expressed support for the process.
- Brian Skeens reviewed the meeting objectives.
- Mike Berg motioned to approve agenda. Tom O’Bryant seconded, unanimously approved by Council.
Upcoming New Council Member Appointments
Brooke Anderson spoke about council meeting attendance challenges and upcoming new member appointments.
- Reviewed council member participation since 2016.
- Reviewed vision for council membership and sectors and counties currently represented by council members.
- Council to provide a letter to EPD with names of new candidates for council membership.
- Reappoint 14 active members.
- Identify additional county representation.
- Identify additional sector representation.
- Mike Berg – How many counties have Partnership members? Can we find council members from the Partnership?
- Brooke – Active Partnership members are typically also active with Council.
- John Bennett – Does the governor still appoint council members?
- Brooke – Yes, that process is still in place.
- Richard Dunn – Lots of interest during planning time, less so in between updates. What can EPD do to increase interest?
- Brooke – What can the councils grow into? Tying the Water Plan to withdrawal permitting increases interest. How about a pow-wow for Council leadership to meet and discuss this topic.
- Brian Skeens – Other states tie project funding to the regional water plan.
- Brooke – PowerPoint will be sent to Council members. Asking council members to submit candidates for council membership. We would like to gauge a candidate’s level of interest before submitted their name to EPD.
- Bennett – Recommended that the industry sector have greater representation. Felt like the agriculture sector dominated the conversations during the first round of water planning. He also would like to get someone from the paper mill in Floyd County on the Council.
Election of Vice Chairman
Brooke Anderson opened the floor to candidates for Council Vice Chairman.
- John Bennett nominated Jerry Crawford. Mike Berg seconded, unanimously approved by Council.
Outreach Activities
Brooke shared updates on outreach activities at the Georgia Mountain Regional Commission and the Northwest Georgia Regional Commission.
Seed Grants
Brooke shared that the implementation of the nutrient trading was not awarded. EPD needs time to review the original study and understand the implications of a trading program.
- Richard Dunn - Mentioned that discussions on nutrient trading are scheduled in the very near future.
- Jennifer Welte – Seed Grant Program will be announced in July and will be accepting applications through to October 2019.
CNG Website Updates
Craig Hensley reviewed updates to the CNG website.
- Brooke – Requested to add local utilities (authorities) that may not be part of the county or city government.
Comments from Non-Council Members, Visitors, or the General Public
No public comments.
Next Steps and Wrap Up
- Council Member Appointments
- Council Member Education and Onboarding
- Resource Assessments Status – EPD is in the early stages of this process.
- Next Meeting in Fall 2019, possibly on east side of council.
- Mike Berg – Motion to adjourn, Bennett – second, approved unanimously
Coosa – North Georgia Water Planning Council, May 1, 2019
Council Members Present
- Brooke Anderson
- Mike Berg
- Greg Bowman
- Keith Coffey
- John Bennett
- Tom O’Bryant
Elected Officials
- N/A
Partnering & Other State Agencies
- Katie Hughes/Black & Veatch
- Mike Hackett/City of Rome
- Rob Jones/Pickens County Government
- Joel Hanner/Georgia Power
- Julianne Meadows/NWGRC
- Stephen Bontekoe/Limestone Valley RC&D Council
- Josh Hildebrandt/Georgia Governor’s Office
GA Environmental Protection Division
- Christine Voudy, EPD Council Lead
- Jennifer Welte
- Richard Dunn, Director
- Jac Kapp, Watershed Protection Branch Chief
Jacobs Engineering
- Brian Skeens
- Craig Hensley