Savannah-Upper Ogeechee Region at a Glance


Savh-Upper Ogeechee_Watson Mill Bridge State Park_300x200.jpg
The Savannah-Upper Ogeechee Regional Water Plan was initially completed in 2011 and subsequently updated in 2017. The plan outlines near-term and long-term strategies to meet water needs through 2050. Major water resources include portions of the Savannah, Ogeechee, Oconee and Tennessee River basins.

Key Water Resource Issues Being Addressed by the Council

  1. Low dissolved oxygen levels in the Savannah River and Harbor and the sharing of a substantially reduced assimilative capacity between Georgia and South Carolina dischargers. 
  2. Coordination with South Carolina on shared water resources in the Savannah Basin.
  3. Potential gaps in surface water availability in the Ogeechee Basin.
  4. Concerns about interbasin transfers of water out of the Savannah Basin.
  5. Long-term operating procedures at the USACE reservoirs and the use of adaptive management to maintain conservation pools at the highest possible levels.
  6. More efficient use of water in the region.