2.1 Municipal and Industrial Water and Wastewater Needs
These figures show forecasts of municipal and industrial water supply and wastewater needs for 2010 and 2050. Estimates are presented by region, with statewide totals shown below. Estimates are calculated as millions of gallons of water needed on an average day.
Municipal water needs consist of water used in households, businesses, and smaller industrial facilities. Water provided by public and private water systems as well as water from household wells is included.
Municipal water needs were calculated from countylevel population projections from Georgia’s Office of Planning and Budget, multiplied by estimates of per capita water use for each county. Representatives of local governments and utilities provided input to refine initial estimates. For future years, per capita rates were adjusted to reflect water savings due to more efficient appliances and plumbing fixtures, as required by federal and state laws.
Future water use by large industries was estimated for each of Georgia’s major water-using industries. EPD worked with industry representatives to prepare estimates based on specific information for each industry.
We also forecast the amount of wastewater to be treated in municipal or industrial treatment facilities and the amount to be discharged to individual septic systems. Municipal wastewater estimates reflect forecasts of indoor water use, while industrial wastewater estimates are based upon the amount of wastewater that is currently generated.