AquiferSustain-able Yield MinimumSustain-able Yield MaximumProjected Demand with 75% Agricult-ural Use in 2010Projected Demand with 75% Agricult-ural Use in 2050Projected Demand in 2009
Paleozoic-rock Aquifer Study Basin277045none
Crystalline-rock Aquifer Study Basins (Piedmont Region)39nonenone1
Crystalline-rock Aquifer Study Basins (Blue Ridge Region)1999nonenone2
Cretaceous Aquifer in Georgia's Coastal Plain347445247303none
Claiborne Aquifer in Georgia's Coastal Plain144640148174none
Upper Floridan Aquifer: South Central Georgia and Eastern Coastal Plain (Modeled Together)880992580739none
Upper Floridan Aquifer: Dougherty Plain235330587681none
Upper Floridan Aquifer: South Central Georgia615832366471none

Coastal Area

The Upper Floridan aquifer along the coast was intensively studied before regional water planning began. EPD's 7-year study of coastal groundwater has shown that, in some parts of the region, availability is limited by movement of saltwater into the aquifer.