Water Quality/Stormwater

While significant progress has been made in managing pollution from point sources, Georgia’s future growth will continue to be accompanied by conversion of land cover, more intensive land uses, and significant increases in the volume of pollutants discharged to waters from both point and nonpoint sources.  

Management Practices were selected to meet the Council’s vision and goals and to address the potential challenges identified in the Regional Water Plan. A prioritization and ranking process was used by the Regional Water Planning Council that resulted in the selection of 4 Administrative and 7 Water Quality Management Practices. 

Administrative Management Practices 

  • AD-1: Develop/Update Local Master Plans for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater. 

  • AD-2: Develop/Update System Maps. 

  • AD-3: Develop/Update Asset Management Plans for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater. 

  • AD-4: Consider Promoting Utility Finance/Accounting Best Practices. 

Water Quality Management Practices 

  • WQ-1: Encourage Implementation of Nutrient Management Programs. 

  • WQ-2: Promote Use of Forestry Best Management Practices and Stream Buffer Protection. 

  • WQ-3: Encourage Consideration of Post-Development and Regional BMPs such as Regional Ponds and Natural Protection Systems. 

  • WQ-4: Encourage Implementation of Local Stormwater Education, Public Awareness, and On-site BMPs. 

  • WQ-5: Encourage Comprehensive Land Use Planning and Floodplain Management. 

  • WQ-6: Support TMDL Implementation and Testing to De-list 303(d) Listed Streams. 

  • WQ-7: Consider Water Quality Credit Trading or Non-Traditional NPDES Permitting. 


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