Savannah-Upper Ogeechee Region Technical Information

In support of the Regional Plan Update, separate technical memoranda were developed on water and wastewater forecasting.

Water and Wastewater Forecasting

Water and wastewater demand forecasts form the foundation for water planning in the Savannah-Upper Ogeechee Region and serve as the basis for the selection of water management practices. Forecasts are summarized within Section 4 of the Regional Water Plan, but additional detail can be found in the Water and Wastewater Forecasting Technical Memorandum.

Over the next 40 years, the population in the Savannah-Upper Ogeechee Region is projected to grow by 11%, increasing the demands for surface water and groundwater and increasing the quantity of wastewater generated. Total water withdrawals by municipal, industrial, agricultural, and energy sectors are projected to increase by 33% (133 million gallons per day (MGD)) from 2020 to 2060. Total wastewater flows are projected to increase by 23% (41 MGD) over the same period.

SUO 2060 Water Demand

Resource Challenges

The Regional Water Plan compares the water and wastewater demand forecasts to the available resources. This material is also summarized within Section 3 and 5 of the Regional Water Plan. Areas where future demands exceed the estimated capacity of the source have a potential challenges that may be addressed through water management practices. Potential water resource issues identified for the Savannah-Upper Ogeechee Region include:

  • Over the planning period, potential surface water flow regime challenges (not meeting instream flow targets) are modeled to occur in the region.
  • For modeled aquifers, no groundwater resource shortfalls are expected to occur over the planning horizon.
  • Assimilative capacity assessments indicate the need for advanced treatment in several streams, including continued efforts to implement the alternative restoration plan for the Savannah Harbor.